I may be out of the shop for a while, my wife has jury duty and I will be going in to town with her. Please pray that she doesn't get on a jury.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Finished the shell guard and started polishing the knuckle-bow. Here is the top of the finished guard:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Engraving on the top and bottom today. The bottom is finished and I just need to raise the main lines on the top.
Here is yesterdays progress:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Finally made it back to the shop today. I cut in and rounded the border and drilled the holes for the rivets. I redrew the lines for the engraving pattern:
Friday, January 22, 2010
Did some sketching yesterday for a new commission. Sorted through 20 years of my junk that I had to move today. Lord willing I'll make it back to the shop tomorrow and work on the cutlass.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Polished the shell guard today(and night) and started on the engraving:
I had a request to show pictures of the tools I use to put the fullers in blades. Here are the two scrapers I use:
And here is a close-up of the hollow-grind on the cutting edge of the one I used on this sword:
Friday, January 15, 2010
Corrie and I are feeling much better today. Made it back to the shop and rough shaped the shell guard.
First day I have missed because of being sick this decade. swine flu is no fun at all. Now time for rest.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Had a long night last night and didn't get much done today. I did finish shaping the knuckle bow and forge the shell guard this afternoon. Here is the shell guard after forging:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
More shaping on the knuckle-bow today.
If you could pray for Corrie (my wife) I'd appreciate it, she is really sick tonight.
Good day today, worked 12hrs and took a lovely walk with Corrie. I worked on the D-guard, inletting for the tang and shaping the knuckle bow and the scroll.
Friday, January 8, 2010
This piece has lots of hand work. I spent today shaping and polishing the thumb ring.
The outside of the thumb ring is faceted and then blended into the rounded interior to give a crisp look while not compromising comfort and function. Details like this are time consuming but pay off in the overall quality of a piece.
Finished forging the guard and the thumb ring, waiting for a steel shipment to forge the shell guard. Here is the days progress:
First and foremost I am a follower of Jesus Christ and of His teachings.I am happily married to my forge fairy Corrie, the most wonderful woman in the world.
To find out more about me and my work Visit my website